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Tier 2 visa demand surges

Tier 2 visa demand surges

The number of applications received by the Home Office from UK employers for Tier 2 visas to enable them to employ skilled non-EU workers continues to exceed the restricted numbers imposed by the UK Government that were introduced in 2011.

This is obviously a significant problem for businesses, especially when the salary of many of the applicants is below the minimum salary thresholds for the relevant vacancy imposed by the Home Office. In fact, salaries have become a key feature which has resulted in an increase in salaries for this category of worker. The boom in applications demonstrates the ongoing and increasing demand for non-EU skilled workers.

Those applying for a Tier 2 visa, whether in-country or not, can benefit greatly from the assistance of a competent solicitor. The applications are carefully sifted and those that have been properly drafted and enclose all of the required supporting documents will stand a much better chance of being approved. We can help with this.

Qualification for a Tier 2 visa usually involves an applicant having to successfully demonstrate the following:

  1. the offer of a job in the UK from an employer that holds a Tier 2 Sponsor Licence.
  2. that the job that has been offered is at least at graduate level or a specified creative profession;
  3. that the job is on the Home Office's list of skilled occupations;
  4. that the minimum salary requirement for that particular role is met;
  5. that there is a genuine vacancy and that you are appropriately qualified or registered to do the job.

We can also help a prospective employer to apply for a sponsorship licence and can provide detailed advice on the Resident Labour Market Test also.

We advise on all aspects on immigration law. Head of Department, Melissa Vangeen, is an immigration law specialist who has held prominent positions at top London firms.

She is an accomplished lawyer in all aspects of individual and business immigration law including employment visas, investors' visas, entrepreneurs' visas, partners' and dependants' visas, student visas, visit visas and all EEA applications.

Melissa is extremely well regarded in the industry having co-authored the Immigration chapter of the UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) "Investors' Guide to the UK". She was also awarded "Corporate Immigration Advisor of the Year" by Lawyers Worldwide Award Magazine.

If you have any questions, please contact us in London (West Drayton) on 01895 449288 or in Hertfordshire (St Albans) on 01727 840900 or by email via our contact page.

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