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Tom Hayes, the first banker to be jailed for rigging interest rates, is due to have his conviction reviewed by the Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), a body set up...
One of the main benefits of setting up a limited company is limited liability which means that the business is its own legal entity, separate from its directors and shareholders....
Concerns surrounding the legitimacy of matters such as Bounce Back Loans in the UK are growing, as it has been reported that an increasing number of shelf companies are being...
21 people have been arrested across the UK as part of an operation which targeted the customers of the online criminal marketplace, WeLeakInfo. The National Crime Agency (NCA) coordinated the...
Being accused of benefit fraud is an extremely serious offence. If the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) thinks that you have fraudulently received benefits and tax credits, you could...
A suspected major money launderer surrendered around £10 million worth of property after being served with an Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO) by investigators from the National Crime Agency (NCA). Leeds...
Investigations in to and prosecutions for indecent image offences are extremely prevalent. The way in which such cases are investigated and the charges which follow has changed. This has been...
Modern slavery, human trafficking and forced labour offences are very prevalent across society. They often involve highly complex and sophisticated organised crime groups which can be extremely difficult to detect....
Pre-Charge Bail 28-day time limit The Government imposed a 28-day police pre-charge bail limit on 3rd April 2017, which enables the police to carry out their enquiries under the Policing and...
It is generally acknowledged that at this time of year the number of arrests and prosecutions for drink driving substantially increase.  Office parties, a quick drink with friends and family...
Last year, December saw a 16% increase in the number of motorists being caught for drink driving. Indeed, over 154 drivers were caught over the limit each day. As we...
The Government has announced its intention to close a legal loophole that enables drivers to escape prosecution for using a mobile phone while driving to film or take photos. Current...
Convictions for drug driving offences have tripled over the last two year. Figures released by the DVLA reveal that nearly 20,000 motorists were convicted over the period January 2018 to...
Over two million people in Great Britain are in possession of a Blue Badge and this is set to increase significantly. From the end of August, the Blue Badge scheme...
Children aged 10 – 17 years old can be given a Youth Conditional Caution by the police as an alternative to a formal caution or custodial sentence if they admit...
The number of allegations regarding historical sex offences has seen a sharp rise in the UK over recent years, in part due to a number of high-profile prosecutions for such...
An adult conditional caution is pretty much as it says – a caution that has conditions attached to it. Just like a simple caution, a conditional caution is an alternative...
You and your business have a responsibility to dispose of your waste properly. Illegal waste disposal and fly-tipping carry heavy fines, and even imprisonment. Defence lawyer Alan Burcombe highlights the...
Prison law expert Lesley-Anne Perry examines a new agreement for Handling Crimes in Prison. Protocol for handling crimes in prison has been set out in a recent agreement that aims to improve...
The Offensive Weapons Act 2019 brings in new Knife Crime Prevention Orders. Defence lawyers, Ravinder Khumra and Lesley-Anne Perry examine the new measures in the Act aimed at increasing the...
Defence lawyer, David Wells discusses the challenges of defending murder cases. I have represented clients in some of the country’s most high-profile murder cases.  I am currently advising and assisting...
So, short prison sentences are back in the news again. Justice Minister, David Gauke was asked by the Justice Select Committee whether ministers should consider scrapping sentences of less than...
There is little doubt that vulnerable inmates make up a significant percentage of the prison population. So, what do we mean when we use the term ‘vulnerable’ inmate? In the...
Unexplained Wealth Orders (UWOs) became law in the UK in January 2018 as part of the Criminal Finances Act 2017. It is a court order compelling an individual to reveal...
Leading criminal lawyer, David Wells advises on knife crime sentencing. It seems in recent times that not a day passes without there being some reference in the media to someone...
Leading criminal defence solicitor, David Wells explains the implications of receiving a formal police caution after arrest. You have received a formal caution after arrest and interview. This invariably means...
When a road traffic offence is suspected to have been committed and the driver of the vehicle is not stopped at the scene of the incident to be spoken to,...
Benefit fraud is a very common occurrence across the UK and costs the Government millions. It is hardly surprising then that cases of this type are treated very seriously indeed...
The disclosure of prosecution material has never been a more high profile and hotly-debated topic than it is at the present time. There can be little doubt that both the...
The chances are that you are reading this article (unless out of pure curiosity) because: You have already been interviewed by the police and you have been asked to hand...
Have you been asked to attend the police station for a voluntary interview? Then you should know that the police have information which suggests that you may have committed a...
Last year, there were over 20,000 recorded indecent child image incidents across all on-line and social media platforms. The NSPCC have stated that this equates to one incident image being...
The law in relation to self-defence is not always readily understood. It can be misinterpreted and misapplied and when this happens it can create grave injustice. Under the common law,...
It is becoming frequently more common for certain perceived minor offences to be dealt with under new procedure called the ‘Single Justice Procedure.’ The system permits individuals facing prosecution and...
Why disclosure of evidence in the news? There has never been a time when the disclosure of evidence in criminal trials has so much adverse media attention. The arrest, prosecution...
We frequently represent clients facing prosecution for driving with excess alcohol, more usually known as drink-driving, and are often asked: ‘How are drink driving fines calculated?’ Upon conviction for an...
Why would I need to represent myself? In the Magistrates Court, obtaining legal aid in order to be represented by a lawyer is dependent upon your financial means as well...
If your child has been arrested and/or charged to go to court, or if they have been released under investigation by the police, you should consult solicitors who possess the...
Extradition takes place when someone who is accused or has been convicted of a criminal offence is returned from one country to another to be tried, to receive a sentence...
Are you being investigated for, or have you been charged with, common assault? The two types of Common Assault Common assault is the lowest form of assault there is in...
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