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We advise and assist motorists on a daily basis in relation to a variety of matters concerning motoring law. These issues can include: Assisting a client for interview by the...
What is the law? Possession of a bladed article A bladed article is usually a knife of some description. It is an offence to be found in possession of a...
Representing yourself in the Magistrates Court? We can help   Have you been refused legal aid? Are you facing the prospect of having to appear in court without a lawyer?...
What is a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO)? A Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) is an order imposed by a Magistrates or Crown Court on an individual who it is...
Until relatively recently, most allegations of sexual offences did not attract any real publicity or media interest. The exposure, prosecution and convictions of Jimmy Savile and other high profile individuals...
Anyone convicted, cautioned or released from a prison sentence for sexual offences against children or adults after September 1997 is required to ‘sign’ on the sexual offences register. The sex...
In the field of criminal investigations, Postal Requisitions have become an increasingly utilised method of requiring someone to attend court. A Postal Requisition is effectively a summons; a letter received...
You may have found this article and are reading it because you have been requested to attend a voluntary police interview under caution. This can be very daunting if you...
Criminal investigations in to historic offences have undoubtedly increased over the last few years, particularly following the exposure of Jimmy Saville. Sentencing of historic offences, and not just historic cases...
Being accused of a criminal offence can have a devastating impact on every aspect of your life. For suspects with no previous experience of the criminal justice system, the impact...
Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. There has been a significant rise in the amount of fly-tipping incidents in recent years and Councils are clamping down on the disposal...
Blue badges: Who can use them, when can they be used and the consequences for breaching the rules. A Blue Badge is available to those who suffer from certain disabilities...
All criminal defence solicitors will have to represent children and young persons both at the police station as suspects, and in court in criminal proceedings. Some solicitors enjoy this type...
Attending a police station for a voluntary interview under caution is now more commonly used than ever. Such interviews certainly have benefits for those who are required to attend because...
Suspects leaving the police station after interview are increasing being ‘released under investigation‘ rather than bailed to return. Historically, if a suspect was released for further enquiries or for a...
Being accused of a sexual offence or misconduct can result in one of the most devastating experiences of your life. The effects are very often not just personal, but can...
Wells Burcombe Solicitors specialise in defending criminal cases and a large proportion of the cases we deal with concern allegations made against children and young persons. In England, as part...
1. It is free Regardless of your income, means or assets, and regardless of the nature of the allegation (however serious or minor) everyone is entitled to free and independent...
If you are reading this article, you may very well be one of the many thousands of people who, having been interviewed by the police under caution, have found yourself...
Under new laws, Magistrates have been given the power to increase fines for speeding offences where are drivers caught at speeds well in excess of the existing legal limits. Drivers...
Vaping (smoking e-cigarettes or e-liquids) is increasingly common as more and more smokers try to control or quit the habit of smoking. For ‘Vapers’ and those who sell vaping equipment,...
I started my legal career a little under 20 years ago and in those early days I had an almost exclusive prosecution practice. I was a good prosecutor. I played...
With certain road traffic offences, the police are required to notify the suspected offender of an intention to prosecute. Speeding is a good example of this. When one of the...
Have you ever wondered what the expression ‘horses for courses‘ actually means? It’s an expression that almost all of us have heard at one time or another. The expression originates...
In general terms, it is illegal to drive if either: You’re unfit to do so because you’re on legal or illegal drugs You have certain levels of illegal drugs in...
Telephone evidence is nowadays often key to an investigation or subsequent prosecution. Telephone evidence in the firm of ‘cell site’ evidence can help identify where a suspect was at a...
A disqualification from driving can have devastating consequences, not just for the driver disqualified, but for the driver’s family, the driver’s business and other third parties affected. There are a...
Alan Burcombe, Partner with Wells Burcombe Solicitors, highlights problem areas for prisoners having adjudications before the Governor. Adjudications within the prison system are either dealt with by the Prison Governor...
Living with a Sexual Harm Prevention Order (SHPO) or a Sexual Risk Order (SRO) can have a huge impact on your life. Not only will your personal life be greatly...
There has been much media speculation recently concerning a number of convictions which are currently being reviewed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) following an announcement that several cases appear...
Jack Whomes, convicted of the so called ‘Essex Boys’ murders, had his minimum sentence reduced by the High Court following an application from Wells Burcombe. Jack Whomes was convicted of...
Sexual Harm Prevention Orders (SHPO) are a common additional order imposed by a court following convictions for sexual offences. They may include preventing travel overseas, restrictions on certain forms of...
Robert Banks of ‘Banks on Sentence’ Wells Burcombe criminal defence and criminal appeal solicitors work very closely with leading barrister in the field of sentencing, Robert Banks. He has appeared...
The figures for incidents of domestic abuse make stark reading. According to the Office for National Statistics, an estimated 2.4 million adults aged 16 to 74 years experienced domestic abuse over the...
Coercive control only became a crime in 2015. It has taken a while for awareness of this offence to build, and for the signs of coercive control to become more recognised and...
Incidents of domestic abuse and domestic assault have seen a sharp increase during the COVID ‘lockdown’. A recent news report revealed that in London alone there have been over 4000...
Criminal defence lawyer, Alan Burcombe looks at the recent Joint Committee report on the effect on a child when a parent is sent to prison and its recommendations for change....
Family lawyer Safeena Tufail and Criminal lawyer Ravinder Khumra of Wells Burcombe look at how the proposed new Domestic Abuse Bill will enhance protection for victims. Domestic abuse is one...
Forced marriage in the news Forced marriage hit the headlines recently when an investigation by the Times revealed British victims of forced marriages overseas were required to repay the costs...
Circumstances can arise whereby there is something of an interaction between proceedings in the Crown Court and financial remedy proceedings being pursued in the family Courts. This can prove problematical...
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